Easy Trade to Get Into That Pays Well Women


The world is inevitably evolving. And as it progresses, the traditional professions and expectations within the workforce also evolve.

The days of trades and specific gender roles are contemporary histories. Every human person can now take on any kind of trade irrespective of gender.

In this read, we shall be considering the full List of Trades for Females in 2022. This list will enable you to make informed decisions about which trade you can take on eventually.

The table of content is right below.

What is the most common job for a woman?

As indicated by AOL.com, the Leading Occupations of Employed Women are;

  • Secretaries and administrative assistants.
  • Registered nurses.
  • Elementary and middle school teachers.
  • Cashiers.
  • Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides.
  • Retail salespersons.
  • First-line supervisors/managers of retail sales workers.
  • Waiters and Waitresses.

What trades pay the most?

Some of the known trades with a sordid income base include:

  • Web Developer.
  • Dental Hygienist.
  • Welder.
  • Carpenter.
  • Licensed Practical Nurse.
  • Plumber.
  • Electrician.

What are all the different types of trades for females in 2022?

Generally, different kinds of trades for both males and females in 32021 include;

  • Woodwork (Carpentering)
  • Carpet installing
  • Electricity installing (electrician)
  • Heavy equipment operating
  • Insulation installing
  • Landscaping
  • Painting
  • Plumbing

What are the top trade jobs?

According to Indeed.com, the top-paying trade jobs on the market, from the lowest to the highest salary include;

  • Licensed practical nurse. National average salary: $25.18 per hour.
  • HVAC technician. National average salary: $23.25 per hour.
  • Home inspector.
  • Plumber.
  • Electrician.
  • Landscape designer.
  • Boilermaker.
  • Respiratory therapist.

Women and Trade Careers

Since the Second World War when women took over the jobs men left, women have had their rightful place in the workforce as valuable employees.

Although there are preconceived ideas that the skilled industry is for strong men, it is simply not the truth. Employers are looking for highly skilled workers who know what they are doing and women are just as capable as men to fill the positions.

The urgent need for a skilled workforce has created ample opportunities for women to enter and advance in these areas. Increasing the total number of women employed in the trade will also help close the looming gap in the workforce that will be created with record levels of upcoming retirements of skilled professionals.

Jobs in the trade also offer women the chance of meaningful work with high wages. A woman can earn 20 to 30% more in a competent trade career. Here we highlight some of the lists of trades for females which present great career prospects for women.

Is Trade Career suitable for women?

Strong women in the United States of America support their households, but gender inequality still prevails in the workplace. According to the US Bureau of Labor, women make only 80.2% of what men earn in the United States.

What is the implication of this on womens' jobs and income? A woman has to work four months more per year on average to make the same income as a man doing the same work.

Although this inequality is present in almost all sectors, in the retail trade, the pay gap is considerably lower – women make up about 94 percent of what their male counterparts take home.

As cultures and attitudes change and a growing number of companies look for gender diversity, women pursuing unconventional careers can secure positions and achieve success a little faster.

A large part of the university-trained labor pole of the country consists of women. They have a wealth of talent to put on the table, and having gender diversity in senior management brings many benefits to organizations.

Companies with women in senior management do better than companies that have no or only one or two female board members or directors.

But in 2018, women had only 25 % of the executive seats in Fortune 500 companies. In 2019, only 6.6 % of Fortune 500 companies' CEOs were women. Here are some of the List for Trade careers that females can be involved in;

1. Construction Technology

The contemporary construction sector is an exciting and evolving sector. It takes the lead in our list of trade for females to get involved in. A shift towards greener building practices and use of materials means that those who enter construction workers benefit from training in current techniques. It has great prospects and jobs for women who wish to be involved in this trade.

2. Construction Management

For Women who want to climb the ladder in the world of building technology, the Construction Management prepares them for entry-level in the construction sector, while they're also trained in building management and building inspection.

3. Electrical Technician

This is another list of trades for females/women.

If you are interested in becoming an apprentice electrician, the Electrical Technician career offers the women the necessary training to practice in the field. It is a competitive process to become an electrical engineer, but with a combination of hands-on and in-class training, you can learn the essential skills that employers want.

It is one of the popular jobs in the List of Trades for Females, especially in the United States.

4. Architect or Civil Drafter

This is another thriving field in the list for females Trade. Women could take advantage of your technical and creative talents to create maps and drawings that guide the main construction projects, such as the construction of roads, bridges, and buildings. And You could expect to live well in this field in which the average annual salary is $56,700.

5. Electrical Engineer

Start a career in a position that could make you work in electronics of all sizes. You could be involved in anything from design and development to testing and repairs. Electrical engineering is also one of the high-paying jobs for women; The average annual salary is $101,600.

6. Industrial Designer

Women in trade can make good use of their artistic, commercial, and technical skills as industrial designers. You could be responsible for developing designs for almost any type of manufactured product, from toys to furniture to automobiles.

And with an average annual salary of $71,430, you can expect good compensation for your work.

6. Mechanical Engineer

Prepare for an engineering career that focuses on energy production equipment. Mechanical engineers earn an average of $92,800 a year for their contributions to the design and development of machines such as engines, generators, and turbines.

It is one of the emerging work captured in the List of Trades for Females.

7. Solar Energy Technician

The trade involves converting the sun's rays into electricity by learning how to install, repair and maintain solar energy systems. Although the average annual salary is $46,010, it is anticipated that the potential for gains in the field will grow as the demand for solar energy increases and it is a good venture for women.

8. Wind Energy Technician

In the trade, women and females will learn how to work with the equipment that captures the wind and converts it into energy. And you could expect good pay on your part to help create clean, renewable energy; The average annual salary for wind power technicians is $58,000.

8. Graphic Designer

Women help companies share their messages through print and electronic media. As a graphic designer, you can produce designs for advertisements, brochures, web pages and other forms of media. And you will probably enjoy a good salary if you consider that the annual average in the field is $54,680.

9. Multimedia Artist

Involves creating art, animation and special effects for movies, TV, videogames and other types of electronic media. You can capitalize on your technical and artistic talents in an occupation that is among some of the highest paid jobs for women; The average salary is $78,230 per year.

10. Video Game Designer

Make a statement in the gaming industry by gaining experience in the game development cycle and fine-tuning your skills in graphics creation, coding, and level development. And prepare to be rewarded for your knowledge and passion in one of the highest-paying jobs for women; The average annual salary for game designers is $90,270.

11. Computer Programmer

acquire knowledge of computer languages ​​so you can develop computer programs. Your position would probably involve writing code, testing programs, and fixing errors and faults so that an organization's software programs run smoothly.

And with an average salary of $89,580 per year, you can expect to be paid well for your hard work.

12. Database Administrator

Protect critical and confidential data in an organization as a database administrator. In addition to ensuring the integrity of the data, it also ensures that the data is organized and accessible to those people who are authorized to access it.

Learning how to install, configure, update, protect, back up and recover data can take you to a position where the annual salary is $92,030 on average.

13. Applications Software Developer

Head for a career path with 31 percent job growth and an average annual salary of $108,080, making it one of the best-paid jobs for women captured in our List of Trades for Females. Software developers can play a number of essential roles.

But those who develop mobile apps for Android, iOS, and other types of portable devices often enjoy very satisfying careers. CNN Money even called the mobile app developer the best job in America.

Web Developer Train for a profession that expects a 15 percent growth in jobs. Work your way to success by acquiring the skills needed to write code, create scripts, develop user interfaces, and work with programming tools and languages ​​to ensure that websites are efficient and functional.

Website developers receive a good remuneration for their work; the average salary is $75,580 a year

14. Oil and Gas Worker

In accessing the List of Trades for Females, Women has also taken advantage of the many opportunities that the oil and gas sector offers by training to become a worker, engineer, repairman, technician or one of the countless other professionals who need to get oil and gas from the ground.

Depending on the type of activity you are pursuing, you can find average annual wages ranging from $40,220 for roustabouts to $156,370 for petroleum engineers.

15. Aircraft Mechanic

Embark on a career in which you maintain aircraft to ensure the safety of the passengers of the aircraft and those on the ground below. This is surely my best trades for females and jobs for women. The average annual salary paid to aircraft mechanics is $65,230.

16. Elevator Installers and Repairers

Working on elevators involves fixing, installing and maintaining elevators, moving staircases, boardwalks and chairlifts. Elevator installers and repairers find and fix the problems that cause elevators to malfunction.

They also test, install and maintain equipment. Their familiarity with basic math, understanding of blueprints and the rudiments of electrical and electronics safety helps them with these functions.

Elevator installers and repairers also keep service and maintenance records and ensure that elevators are in compliance with building codes and safety regulations. Their median salary was $76,650 in 2012, according to the BLS.

17. Sheet Metal Worker

Sheet metal workers work on duct systems, outdoor signs, roofing, and building sidings. They lay out, measure and mark sheet metal according to provided sketches and templates. They sometimes complete fabrication in shops or installations on construction sites.

Sheet metal workers use computer-controlled tools such as saws, shears, and presses to help them complete their jobs efficiently. They typically learn their skill through apprenticeship programs offered by businesses and unions.

This is another trades for women and females in 2022 that can be perfected by apprenticeship.


Pursuing one of the non-conventional best-paying jobs for women is not just about shaping your future. You're also clearing the way for the other ambitious women behind you that want to follow your path.

With our List of Trades/jobs for Females and women in 2022, we can show young girls and women that they can break away from tradition and truly pursue whatever it is that fuels their passion no matter how unconventional it may be.


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We hope this writing provided the right information. Please share with your friends and leave your question or response on the comment box for us to serve you better.


Source: https://kiiky.com/list-of-trades-for-females/

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